Photon Network

Photon Network is a high-performance, EVM-compatible rollup engineered to unlock the limitless potential of Bitcoin applications. It is designed to handle massive-scale transactions with reliable gas prices, catalyzing a flywheel of experimentation and innovation. Photon Network aims to enrich the Bitcoin ecosystem and create sustained value for developers and users alike.

Key Features

Full EVM+ Capabilities

Photon Network supports comprehensive EVM+ capabilities, enabling developers to write and deploy performant smart contracts with ease. This compatibility leverages the extensive Ethereum development tools and libraries, simplifying the creation of sophisticated applications.

High Scalability

Built to handle high throughput with ultra-low gas costs, the network ensures that applications can grow without facing transaction bottlenecks or prohibitive fees.

Near-Instant Finality

Photon Network provides rapid transaction finality, with transactions confirmed quickly. This feature is crucial for applications requiring swift transaction processing, such as DeFi protocols and gaming applications.

Stable and Predictable Gas Pricing

The network offers stable gas prices, aiding in accurate gas estimations for smart contract wallet or programmable wallet usage (i.e. ERC-4337). This predictability is crucial for developers and users who need to budget consistent transaction costs, aiding in planning and executing financial operations on the network.

Comprehensive Interchain Connectivity

Photon Network supports comprehensive interchain connectivity, allowing seamless interactions between Bitcoin, EVMs, and non-EVM networks. This interoperability expands the use cases for Bitcoin, enabling it to integrate with various blockchain ecosystems and applications.

$PTON Gas Token

The network is powered by the $PTON gas token, which is used to pay for transaction fees. The token model also incentivizes network participation and ensures that the network remains performant and scales with usage.

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